Trustworthy Data Repositories Workshop

Trustworthy Data Repositories Workshop

Implementing trustworthiness standards in data repositories for biomedical sciences

NIH hosted a workshop April 8-9, 2019, on trustworthy data repositories for biomedical sciences. The workshop brought together key data repository management personnel and NIH program, scientific review and policy staff who work with data repository related programs.

CoreTrustSeal core trustworthy data repositories requirements to evaluate the management of data repository operations in biomedical sciences were introduced at the workshop. The event featured advocates for using trustworthiness standards to support data sharing and data transparency (including CoreTrustSeal board members) and representatives from biomedical data repositories that already have trustworthiness certification; presentations from the day are below.

The workshop was part of NIH’s strategic efforts in data science, which are outlined in an inaugural strategic plan and include an aim to modernize the ecosystem of biomedical data repositories.

This page last reviewed on March 23, 2023