Which announcement should I choose for my application?
Choose PAR-23-236 for development of an early-stage or new data resource that could be valuable for the targeted biomedical research communities. The application must demonstrate the need and unique value proposition for the data repository or knowledgebase proposed. An early-stage data resource is defined as a data resource in its initial development with potential for a large increase in usage and adoption by the community. Applications proposing to pilot significant modifications of an existing resource, such as merging two or more existing data resources, will also be considered.
Choose PAR-23-237 for enhancement and maintenance of existing established data resources that have demonstrated impact and have potential for continued benefit to the community being served. Established data resources are defined as high-value data resources that are near or at optimal research community adoption and provide a critical research resource as demonstrated by their usage utility and impact.
Is a Letter of Intent (LOI) Necessary?
It is strongly recommended to submit a LOI and request consultation when planning an application. Applicants who do not consult with NIH prior to submission may be less likely to receive funding, as such applications may not align with program priorities of participating Institutes.
Can I propose a repository or knowledgebase that is relevant to more than one disease, domain, or scientific focus?
Yes, multi-disciplinary resources can be proposed. However, all disciplines of the application must align to the mission of the participating NIH Institute(s)/Center(s)/Office(s). Applications not aligning to the mission of participating Institute/Center/Office will be considered non-responsive and returned without review.
Does development of ontologies and data standards qualify as knowledgebase?
Yes, applications proposing development of ontologies and data standards are considered responsive and qualify as a knowledgebase.
Will primary data generation or wet-lab work be supported through these announcements?
Applications proposing wet-lab work or primary data generation will be considered non-responsive and be returned without review.
Can I propose hypothesis-driven research aims in my application?
Research focused on discovering new biology is not allowed as part of these resource grants. However, informatics research that improves biomedical data repositories and biomedical knowledgebases in compliance with the FAIR Data principles may be considered.
Am I allowed to propose inclusion of software and tool development as part of these announcements?
Applications that have a significant focus on software or tool development are not appropriate for these announcements.
Can I include website URLs and hyperlinks in my application?
URLs of publicly available websites may be cited ONLY for the purpose of referencing the existing data resource, associated open-source software or code that is the subject of the proposed work, or for the purpose of demonstrating dissemination and outreach activities as stated in the NOFO. NIH Notice NOT-OD-20-174 provides general guidance on the use of hypertext (e.g., hyperlinks and URLs) in NIH applications and notes that hyperlinks and URLs are only allowed when specifically noted in funding opportunity announcement (FOA) and form field instructions.
Do I need to include milestones, deliverables, and timelines?
Milestones, deliverables, and timelines are expected in the application and an evaluation criterion. They will form the basis of progress monitoring of the awards and need be kept updated through the funding period.
Are there expectations for recommended usage metrics?
Applicants are expected to consider innovative approaches to measure usage and utility of the data resources. Metrics used to measure and evaluate usage, utility, and scientific impact through the lifecycle of the proposed resource can be a combination of community-based best practices and newly developed metrics. Applicants are asked to openly share metrics and other evidence with the community.
What is expected in terms of preservation and management of the proposed resource?
Applicants are encouraged to propose innovative approaches that address increased efficiencies of operations, shared-services, adoption of new technologies, tiered and/or subscription-based access as appropriate while ensuring equitable access to advance open research endeavors.
Do I need to include an assessment of the desirable characteristics of repositories/knowledgebases in the application?
Applicants must employ and promote good data management practices as outlined by the FAIR Data Principles in the proposed resource including adherence to the NIH desirable characteristics of repositories provided in the NIH Notice NOT-OD-21-016.
For PAR-23-236, an assessment is not required as part of the application for early-stage data resources. However, applicants may address in their proposal how they will leverage these characteristics as a benchmark to incorporate best practices in the proposed resource.
For PAR-23-237, an assessment is required as part of the application for established data resource applications.
Are there any limitations to data curation in the proposed data resource?
Data curation for proposed data repositories must be limited to quality assurance and quality control activities which improve the efficiency and accessibility of data ingestion, management, use, and reuse by the user communities.
Scientific data curation for proposed knowledgebases should include efficient and effective methods that scale to the needs of the community with the aim of not only improving data quality but also value-add in terms of annotation and validation. Approaches proposed may include automated and/or semi-automated methods, expert crowdsourcing, or leverage other innovative solutions.
What is the maximum budget that I can request per year?
Application budgets for PAR-23-236, proposing early-stage data resources, may not exceed US $350,000 in direct costs per year.
Application budgets for PAR-23-237 are not limited. However, budget requests of US $500,000 or more in direct costs in any year (excluding consortium facilities and administrative (F&A) costs) must contact the ODSS Scientific/ Research Contact at least six weeks before submitting the application and follow the Policy on the Acceptance for Review of Unsolicited Applications that Request $500,000 or More in Direct Costs as described in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide.
Is the NIH data management and sharing policy applicable to these NOFOs?
The data management and sharing policy is not applicable to these NOFOs. However, plans to share software developed in support of the data resource as open source and licensed under a suitable license must be included as part of the project management plan.
How many letters of support (LoS) can I include in my application?
Applicants are requested to include no more than ten (10) individual letters of support. Applicants are encouraged to consider the best ways to reflect the significance and value of the resource as well as interest/excitement of the targeted user community to demonstrate support for the application.
Who do I contact for questions or clarifications not addressed above?
Applicants may contact the Office of Data Science Strategy at [email protected]
How should I structure my Research Strategy with the required subsections (Critical Requirements/Project Management Plan)?
The Research Strategy should be composed of two sub-sections: critical requirements and project management plan. Within these two sub-sections, the outlined considerations (scientific significance, community needs and engagement, quality of services and efficiency of operations, governance, etc.) should be addressed while incorporating the scored review criteria (significance, investigator(s), innovation, approach, and environment). The entire Research Strategy should be submitted as one PDF document with page limits of 12 pages for PAR-23-236 and 30 pages for PAR-23-237.