Director’s Corner

Meet the Director

Susan K. Gregurick, Ph.D., was appointed Associate Director for Data Science and Director of the Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on September 16, 2019. Under Dr. Gregurick’s leadership, the ODSS leads the implementation of the NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science through scientific, technical, and operational collaboration with the institutes, centers, and offices that comprise NIH. Dr. Gregurick received the 2020 Leadership in Biological Sciences Award from the Washington Academy of Sciences for her work in this role. She was instrumental in the creation of the ODSS in 2018 and served as a senior advisor to the office until being named to her current position. 

Dr. Gregurick was previously the Division Director for Biophysics, Biomedical Technology, and Computational Biosciences at the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS). Her mission in this role was to advance research in computational biology, biophysics and data sciences, mathematical and biostatistical methods, and biomedical technologies in support of the NIGMS mission to increase our understanding of life processes. In this role Dr. Gregurick led the institutes effort to reimagine the NIGMS technology programs including early stage, concept development, focused technology programs, development and dissemination centers, through National and Regional Resources to support state-of-the-art facilities, equipment, technologies, research tools, software, and service.

Prior to joining the NIH in 2013, Dr. Gregurick was a program director in the Office of Biological and Environmental Research at the Department of Energy (DOE). In this role, she developed the information and data sharing policy for the agency’s Genomics Science Program and oversaw the development and implementation of the DOE Systems Biology Knowledgebase, a framework to integrate data, models, and simulations together for a better understanding of energy and environmental processes.

Before beginning a career of government service, Dr. Gregurick was a professor of computational chemistry at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Her research interests included dynamics of large biological macromolecules, and her areas of expertise are computational biology, high performance computing, neutron scattering and bioinformatics.

Dr. Gregurick received the 2020 Leadership in Biological Sciences Award from the Washington Academy of Sciences.

Dr. Gregurick received her undergraduate degree in chemistry and mathematics from the University of Michigan and her Ph.D. in physical chemistry from the University of Maryland. She completed a Lady Davis postdoctoral fellowship at Hebrew University in Israel and a Sloan postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Maryland’s Center for Advanced Research in Biotechnology, now the Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research, in Shady Grove, Md.

To celebrate her one-year anniversary, Dr. Gregurick guest-authored a blog post titled "Women in Tech at NIH: Togetherness Enables Transformation" for the Musings from the Mezzanine blog.         
Meet 11 women working with Dr. Gregurick to realize a modernized data ecosystem for NIH.

Blogs and Presentations



This page last reviewed on February 5, 2025