NIH Issues New Policy for Data Management and Sharing

Thursday, October 29, 2020

NIH has released the Final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing which requires NIH funded researchers to prospectively submit a plan outlining how scientific data will be managed and shared. The Policy reinforces NIH’s continued commitment to make biomedical research findings broadly available, and reflects the Agency’s view that responsible data management and sharing advances science and benefits the public. This will replace the 2003 NIH Data Sharing Policy.

NIH will continue to engage the community to support the change and implementation of this new Policy, which will take effect January 25, 2023.

For more information, please read an NIH Director’s statement by Dr. Francis Collins as well as an “Under the Poliscope” blog by Dr. Carrie D. Wolinetz:

NIH Director’s Statement

Under the Poliscope: NIH Releases New Policy for Data Management and Sharing

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This page last reviewed on May 28, 2024