Upcoming Webinar on Publishing Research in the NIH Figshare Instance on May 12 at 1 p.m. ET

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Register now

To learn more about how you can leverage generalist repositories such as NIH Figshare to publish your datasets, register for the next webinar on Tuesday, May 12 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET. For those unable to attend live, a recording will be available on the Office of Data Science Strategy’s Biomedical Data Repositories and Knowledgebases webpage after the event.

For more information about the NIH Fighare pilot or to share your questions, ideas, or suggestions, please email the Office of Data Science Strategy at datascience@nih.gov. For technical support using NIH Figshare, email nihsupport@figshare.com.

Registration is closed. 

This page last reviewed on June 3, 2024