Data Science Training Resources

User typing on a laptop with a coffee mug near by

NIH has many biomedical data science training resources available to the public:

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) offers bioinformatics training sources. Some of these resources include general bioinformatics, programming, and biostatistics. Learn more below:

The National Cancer Institute’s Center for Cancer Research Bioinformatics Training and Education Program (BTEP) offers classes to empower researchers in the analysis of biological data using bioinformatics and data science techniques. BTEP also maintains an NIH-wide calendar of training classes. 

The NIH Library offers a list of online tutorials that include data science and bioinformatics trainings. These resources are broad, and topics range from bioinformatics to programming. Learn more below:

The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National Library of Medicine offers archived webinars and courses, tutorials, and documentation resources. Learn more below:

The National Institute of General Medical Sciences offers training modules to enhance data reproducibility, including computational and data science resources. Learn more below:

See additional resources (link is external) that may be of interest but are not NIH-sponsored.

This page last reviewed on June 4, 2024